social adaptability test
This social adaptability test assesses a wide range of emotional and psychological aspects that can affect a person's ability to interact effectively with their environment. Questions cover such aspects as anxiety, emotional stability, ability to concentrate, level of self-control and sensitivity to stress. A person with high social adaptability usually demonstrates the ability to be emotionally stable and control their emotions. They can focus on tasks without experiencing significant difficulties or internal conflicts, which contributes to their ability to work productively and interact with others. People with high social adaptability often do not experience frequent anxiety for no apparent reason, nor do they suffer from frequent nightmares or insomnia due to anxious thoughts. On the other hand, low social adaptability, indicates possible problems in managing stress and emotions. People with these characteristics often experience anxiety, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, and other physical signs of stress such as trembling hands or sweating.
1. Do you often feel nauseous?
2. Do you get tired while working?
3. Can you focus on one thing?
4. Do you often worry for no reason?
5. When you do something, do your hands shake?
6. Do you often worry?
7. Do you often have scary dreams?
8. Do you sweat in cold weather?
9. Do you constantly feel hungry?
10. Does your stomach often bother you?
11. Do you have insomnia due to anxiety?
12. Are you easily unbalanced?
13. Are you more sensitive than most?
14. Do you often worry about something?
15. Do you regret that you are not as happy as others?
16. Do you cry easily?
17. Are you annoyed by the wait?
18. Do you ever have hectic times when you can’t sit in one place?
19. Are you afraid of difficulties?
20. Does it happen when you feel useless?
21. Are you a shy person?
22. Do you think that there are a lot of difficulties for you in everything?
23. Are you always tense?
24. Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed?
25. do you avoid difficulties?
The higher your anxiety, the more often you experience worry, stress and internal conflicts. Restlessness for no apparent reason and physical symptoms such as trembling hands or sweating are more pronounced.
The higher your stability, the stronger your emotional stability, ease of managing stress, and ability to focus on tasks.